Monday, December 21, 2009

Computer Active 20091101 Scan01 Assembled Computers

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Despite all the craze over laptops, desktops are the real workhorses and not just because they are more powerful but also because they are more open. In fact, laptops are almost like other electronic gadgets - proprietory. Fine we might be able to swap the OS or the hard disk or the memory stick but that's just about it. On the other hand, it makes perfect sense to assemble our own desktop. And even if we entrust the procurement and assembly of components to our local computer dealer, at least we can take comfort from the fact that desktops hardly ever suffer systemic failures. Branded PCs (same components but better packaging) make sense to corporates where reliability, service and legality take precedence over cost and comfort level. The only thing we need to look out for is obsolescence. For instance if the mainboard of our PC takes DDR2 memory and nowadays PCs are coming with DDR3 RAM, we may not be able to procure DDR2 RAM easily. Either it might have gotten more expensive, or might not be available with warranty or even might not be available new. Similarly in storage, the market has already shifted from IDE to SATA. And so on. Enterprising outfits do come out with adapters to bridge these changes but major players usually stay clear of such compromises.

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