Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Computer Active 20091201 Scan01 CD Contents

(click on image for full view)

I have mixed feelings towards Computer Active. For 100 Rupees, other magazines provide as much as 8.5 Gb of software, while it provides only about 0.65 Gb and sometimes even less than that. People buy it for its easy to follow language. Some buy it because it bundles a CD instead of a DVD and they still haven't upgraded their drive even though a new DVD writer costs only Rs 1200.

To a certain extent, the 100 Rupee price is justified because it costs the same to produce a stamped CD as it does to produce a stamped DVD. The price also depends on the volume, which is naturally behind the likes of Chip and Digit. But lately, especially in the November 2009 and January 2010 issues, the virus scan has thrown up a number of infected files. And the sloppiness shows in the above scan too. The December 2009 issue was a special Anniversary Issue with not one but two software CDs. Notice how both the first and second CD content pages carry NOVEMBER in the heading.

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