Sunday, January 31, 2010

Digit 20091201 Scan04 Online TV and Movies

(click on image for full view)

Cable had all but killed the movie rentals business. The spread of DTH however may revive it because DTH platforms cannot be used to show pirated movies and their pay per view channels do not exactly carry the latest flicks. But then the latest movies aren't released on DVDs either.

Another factor that is helping movie rentals is the proliferation of the Internet. Depending on bandwidth, a website can offer just catalogs or catalogs plus downloads or even catalogs plus downloads plus streaming. With websites however, the problem is how to ensure legality. Sites such as BigFlix, MovieMart and SeventyMM are completely legal. Others may not be so. Another aspect is brick and mortar presence. For instance, in high demand areas, it becomes feasible to set up franchisees as with the BigFlix chain of stores, which makes the transactions a bit less cumbersome.

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