Wednesday, January 27, 2010

PC Quest 20091201 Scan02 Web 3.0

(click on image for full view)

Till now, human beings had to tell machines what to do, which the machines then did faithfully and rapidly. But this model is getting stretched to the limit by the Internet, which is generating too much data for humans to track on their own. Web 3.0 is the name given to the so-called Semantic Web where machines are able to make sense of data because it is enclosed in special tags. This is the reason Web 3.0 is centered around APIs and web services.

It is not a magical wand that would solve all our problems. Rather it is the beginning of a more intense machine processing of information than has been carried out till now. The overall aim is to bring the information overload we are all suffering from down to something our brains can handle.

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